Ageing beautifully-Embrace aging with ease and grace

Ageing beautifully-Embrace aging with ease and grace

I’m turning forty in July, so lately I’ve been paying extra attention to how my skin looks and feels. I’ve always used natural products, but as I age, I have to admit I’ve been tempted by the draws of botox. I even tried it, but it didn’t sit right with me. Having been through cancer, and being so committed to a holistic way of living, it just wasn’t for me. So, I have been on a quest for natural alternatives.

Our bodies are incredible, and it’s never too late to make a change. Today I wanted to share five habits I’m prioritising to support my health and my skin as I enter my forties.

Magnesium, for sleep & skin

Getting good sleep is essential for healthy ageing. I use Sweet Sleep Magnesium Butter every night. In addition to its magical sleep inducing properties, magnesium acts as amour for your skin, protecting against free radicals. Even though you’re putting Sweet Sleep on your feet, as it enters your bloodstream it supports the skin all over your body. Amazing! 

Eliminating alcohol

I stopped drinking 2 years ago because I was tired of feeling like crap. Alcohol messes with our sleep, makes us puffy and increases anxiety. These days, if I fancy a drink, I’ll instead make a cocktail with Winter Wellness Elderberry Elixir and sparkling water. It’s delicious and packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that help prevent the visible signs of ageing. 

Face massage

In place of botox, I’ve been doing a daily face massage. I’ve learned a tonne on muscular structure and how, by focusing on our necks and traps as well as chest, you can start to see a lift in your face. It’s fascinating. I concentrate on my eleven lines and my jaw muscles.  I have my own routine, just things that I’ve tried that really feel good to me - using Sacred Skin Face Serum to nurture and hydrate my skin.

Taking care of my brain

After my surgery, and being a mother of two boys, my brain just wasn’t the same. I wanted to make sure I was feeding it what it needed, so we created Inner Wisdom - Balance. It includes Lion’s Mane mushrooms, proven to rebuild neural pathways. I drink it daily and have seen a significant shift in my brain power.

Moving my body

Each morning I do a 20 minute weight lifting routine. I lift heavy so that my muscles stay strong. Check out Heather Robertson on YouTube - she’s great.

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